The tractor is the modern day workhorse of agriculture. From 200 pound walk-behinds to 27 ton behemoths, and everything in between, the tractor allows producers to maximize time and production like never before. Many tractors have a multi-purpose role, as different pieces of machinery (called implements) can be attached to perform different tasks. In addition, some tractors specialize in harvesting corn, soybeans and other grains. These are called combine harvesters, because they combine the processes of reaping, threshing, gathering, and winnowing into a single process. Other specialize in harvesting cotton.
Popular brands include John Deere, Case International Harvester (Case IH for short), Kubota, New Holland and Massey Ferguson.
Tractor Implements
Backhoe & Front-End Loader
These two implements are often paired together. The extendable arm and scoop on the back is the backhoe. As you may have guessed, the front-end loader is the bucket on the front-end of the tractor.
Provides a more even seed bed by breaking up dirt clods, filling in ruts and eliminating air pockets.
Can be used to prepare for seed planting or after to loosen soil and disturb weed growth. Blades, or knives, cut into the soil. Cultivation can be deeper or just a surface scraping.
Disc Harrow w/ Rolling Basket
Breaks up soil as it also chops up weeds and past crop residue in prepartion for seed planting. Rolling basket creates a smoother seed bed. Does not penetrate as deep as plowing.
Grain Cart
Allows the combine to keep harvesting by emptying its tank on-the-go. The grain cart dumps the grain into a semi-truck bed and returns to the combine when needed.
Hay Baler
Collects plant residue that has been placed in rows and packs it into round or square bales.
Hay Rake
Arranges cut plant residue into rows for the baler.
Manure Spreader
The name tells you all you need to know!
Plants the seed at precise depths and distances away from other seeds.
Plastic Layer
Lays and covers edges of plastic mulch to hold tight to soil surface for transplanted crops. Plastic warms the soil, holds moisture in and slows non-desired plant germination.
Plow (Chisel)
Heavier and digs deeper into the soil than a cultivator, although both are used to prepare seed beds. Chisel plows don't pulverize soil as much as cultivators and don't invert soil as much as moldboard plows.
Plow (Disc)
Operates similar to the moldboard plow by inverting soil surface. Much more aggressive than disc harrowing.
Plow (Moldboard)
Cuts and inverts soil up to a foot in depth. Typically used in the fall.
Roller Crimper
This heavy implement is used to terminate cover crops without the use of chemicals. No-till drills can then be used to plant into this residue.
Rotary Cutter
More commonly called a Brush Hog or Bush Hog. Typically used to mow down thick areas of plant growth or large swaths of land.
Seed Drill
Plants seeds less precisely than a seed planter. No-till drills are becoming increasingly popular among farmers and ranchers seeking minimum soil disturbance.
Sprays liquid fertilizer or pesticides drawn from a tank onto bare soil or plants.
Cuts deep into the soil with minimum surface disturbance. Commonly used to break up subsurface compaction layer.
Workers sit on low-hanging chairs to transplant crops into the field.