Microbes & Carbon

Just as diverse diet choice influence animal gut microbiome (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-98995-6), soil microbiomes diversify based on diverse food choices!


Each individual organism (bacteria, fungus, protozoa) has certain enzymes and complex chemical reactions that help that organism assimilate carbon. As waste products are generated and the original organic residues are decomposed, new microorganisms may take over, feeding on the waste products, the new flourishing microbial community (generally bacteria), or the more resistant SOM. The early decomposers generally attack the easily digested sugars and proteins followed by microorganisms that attack the more resistant residues. (https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/sag-16)




Some estimates show that plants are operating at a much lower photosynthetic capability, especially modern bred varieties.


Photosynthetic carbon sent to the roots in what many call the “liquid carbon pathway.” Most carbon entered in the soil profile is through the underground portion. Carbon inputs into the soil from OM and exudates are needed to feed and energize soil microbes that do a zillion things for us. Stagnant is bad. Flat roller coasters. We want a lot of actors and a lot of things happening. Health is borne out of these conditions.


Unhealthy environments foster microbes that exude unhealthy metabolites that are toxic to plants. (

A succession of sorts in the microbial world called quorum sensing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2nWNZ-gixI)